OpenGov National Archives

Open Government Plan 2016 - 2018

National Archives and Records Administration

2.1 Sustaining Open Government

We recognize that while our work is critical to open government, it is equally important that we continue to strengthen the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration in how we do our work. As we described in our third open government plan, the values of open government are fully embedded in our Strategic Plan for 2014–2018. Our plan will help us align our priorities and assign resources in a way that sustains our investment in government openness.

Our four strategic goals and related objectives are:

Goal 1: Make Access Happen

Objective: Make all records available to the public in digital form to ensure that anyone can explore, discover, and learn from NARA holdings.

Goal 2: Connect with Customers

Objective: Improve internal and external customer engagement to cultivate and sustain public participation.

Goal 3: Maximize NARA’s Value to the Nation                               

Objective 1: Reform and modernize records management policies and practices within the federal government to effectively support the transition to a digital government.

Objective 2: Drive public and commercial use and re-use of government records to create measurable economic activity.

Goal 4: Build Our Future Through Our People

Objective 1: Create and sustain a culture of empowerment, openness, and inclusion.

Objective 2: Ensure we have a diverse workforce with the skills necessary to fulfill our mission.

Efforts described in this and our third open government plan are aimed at supporting NARA’s strategic goals. While some of these efforts will not be fully achieved by the end of this planning cycle, it is critical that we set a course to achieve them. To learn more about NARA’s strategic goals, objectives and initiatives, please read NARA’s Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2014–2018, available at: